YouthThink Free Saturday Family Movies

The Why Behind the YouthThink Free Saturday Family Movies
Many of you may wonder why YOUTHTHINK chooses to spend its limited and valuable resources on the Free Family Movie Program. There are a number of reasons but the most important are:
· The joy of hearing 300 plus little ones all giggle at the same time. There is no sound in the world that compares. It is Priceless!
· The importance of family. YOUTHTHINK believes in family. Traditional or non-traditional. Our young people need consistency in their lives. They need positive role models, people that choose to spend time with them. The more time we can spend together as a family the more our bonds are strengthened. Life can get expensive and the movie may be our carrot to get you here but the reward is seeing fathers with daughters, mothers with sons, grandparents with grandkids, brothers and sisters. Quality time together is Priceless.
· The opportunity to take advantage of a captive audience. Yes, there is a catch. YOUTHTHINK hands out a new tip of the week card each movie. Not because we think we know everything but we want to make your most important responsibility—that of raising your children– easier. Our kids do not come with instruction manuals but they are ALWAYS under construction. It is important to be informed and prepared for the challenges that will arise. The more we talk with our children and prepare them the more capable they will be to make the best choices. The best way to prevent the negative choices is to be armed with good information and to keep an open dialogue going with your child about your thoughts, wishes and values, especially as they pertain to alcohol and other drug use. Research proves that when parents talk to their children about alcohol or other drugs, children are 42% less likely to try them. Again, information that when followed through with is Priceless!
· Thank you for being proactive and choosing this time to be with your very unique and wonderful youngster. Together we can make a difference and we can help create the change we wish to see in the world. For more tips be sure and visit the youththink website at www.youththink.net.